Thursday, December 29, 2005

I believe in Christmas Eve

Doing the Christmas morning round robin unwrapping of gifts in a clockwise direction is one of the traditions my family is big on. We don't place much of an emphasis on anticipating a large volume of gifts, or presents that are high end. Certainly no flat panel televisions or expensive electronic items are exchanged, but we have a good time nonetheless. Though many folks out there may receive a much higher volume of gifts from their families even well into their twenties, I think the gifts I got this year were pretty damn awesome. Such as.....

While I remain slightly embarrassed that my sister Jen gave me a 2006 Orlando Bloom wall calendar, at the same time I think It's pretty awesome. The German Snoopy calendar she gave me last year may be arguably cooler... but if you had any idea of how great/ridiculous the reasoning behind her giving me this gift is then you might understand why it's so amazing. Last year while I was off my rocker writing extensive and lengthy papers toward the end of the spring semester I told my sis that I was having some difficulty and that I was gazing at my Orlando Bloom poster (yes, I really have one) and asking him for help. I also told her that he was no help at all and wasn't coming up with any ideas for me. I can't believe she threw it back in my face by both reminding me I did that, and giving me this great calendar.

Arrested Development Season Two DVD. This is basically the only thing that I told my parents I wanted, and they delivered. Or I guess my cat did, since he signed his name to the gift tag. Thanks Kone. Arrested Development Season One is the first and only television DVD that I owned up until now. One of my favorite shows. And who doesn't love Jason Bateman? According to my sister Jen, he is the only cool child/teen actor from the 80's. Ricky Shroder and Charlie Sheen make her want to puke. My sis and I are starting to refer to Arrested Development simply as 'Batman', saying to each other "Wanna watch some more Batman nerd show?" Every time I see Jason Bateman's name in text I do a double take and think it says Batman. Recently on the stupid Zach Braff website I noticed Bateman's name actually was typo-ed as 'Jason Batman'. Now I can't stop imagining Bateman adourned in a Batman suit.

I've gotten some amazing Totoro gifts in the past but up until now no one has given me any Totoro attire. Not only did my sister Jen get me a gray Totoro fitted t-shirt this Christmas, but also a blue Totoro Hoodie from J-list. She got the reverse for herself. A blue Totoro t-shirt and a gray Totoro hoodie. On Christmas day we dressed up as Totoro twins in our tees. I also got a weird hamster shirt from my other sister.

This was a gift to the entire family. I am really horrible at video games. I blame it on the fact that my parents refused to buy a Nintendo game system when I was a child. We had a Coleco Vision and Atari, so I was playing all the old games in a time when all the other kids were playing Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Eventually when my parents caved in and bought me a Game Boy. The Game Boy that I had seems so ghetto now. I can barely even make out the shapes on the tiny green screen. My goal is to improve upon my hand eye coordination by playing Atari Flashback 2. It is my dream that one day I will be able to play Nintendo games. I always fail miserably trying to play the games on my sister's Nintendo DS. I'm starting to rule at Millipede... sorta.

Although my mother recently told me that we don't need to read books I ironically received four books for Christmas. More books than I've ever received at any one time. My sister Jen gave me one entitled Superstud: Or How I Became a 24-Year Old Virgin by Paul Feig. Written by the creator of the cult classic TV show Freaks and Geeks, and director of episodes of Arrested Development, how could this book NOT be awesome? I started reading it today and I've already read 2/3 of my way through it. I mean c'mon look at that cover and that title. Do you really need any more incentive to pick up this book?

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